BGMI Server Will Be Back Online Today: Download the Game Now

As per the notice in the BGMI game the fan-favourite game will finally make its server online today. Hopefully, it will happen by noon. If you haven’t downloaded the game now it is available on Play Store and on App Store for iOS and iPad OS.

Update: 29th May 2023

BGMI To Be Playable on This Date

BGMI on 27th May changed the notice that users were seeing when they opened the game to announce that now players can begin preloading the game from Play Store and apple app store. And the game will be playable from 29th May 2023.

BGMI New Unban Notice

It’s the start of the weekend and we bring good news

Starting today, May 27th, Android users can now begin preloading your favourite game from the Google Play Store. Although the game can be played starting from May 29th, it is now ready for preloading. If you are unable to pre-load immediately, relax. Over the weekend you’ll eventually get the option. As for iOS users, you can download and start playing the game on May 29th, 2023.

Few users may have received an automatic update from midnight, this is a part of the same preload process, and you have nothing to worry. If you are an Android user, you will be able to preload today and play on May 29th, if you are an iOS user, you can enjoy and play the game from May 29th

We value your patience and welcome you back to the Battlegrounds- Krafton.

Download BGMI From Play Store

Update 22 May 2023: BGMI has comeback to the Google Play Store on May 22 2023. You can access the BGMI download page from the link below.

BGMI Play Store Release Date 2023

BGMI Confirmed Release/Relaunch Date29 May 2023
BGMI Server Back Online Time29 May 2023
BGMI Unban Date19 May 2023
BGMI Play Store Release Date29 May 2023
BGMI New Update Date29 May 2023

BGMI Unban Date and Time- BGMI was unbanned in India on 19 May 2023. After that the BGMI server was taken down and users were served with this notice:

bgmi server ban notice

So now players are unable to play the game as well.

Related: BGMI News: Unban Time, Play Store Release Date(BGMI Unban Kab Hoga)

BGMI Play Store Par Kab Ayega

Krafton द्वारा गेम और उसके सर्वर में सभी आवश्यक परिवर्तन किए जाने के बाद BGMI को Google Play Store पर जारी किया जाएगा जो भारतीय सरकार, नीतियों का अनुपालन करेगा। इसमें कुछ समय लगेगा लेकिन उम्मीद है कि ऐप को जून – जुलाई 2023 में फिर से लॉन्च किया जाएगा।

BGMI will be released on the Google Play Store after Krafton has made all the necessary changes to the game and its servers that will comply with Indian Govt, Policies. This will take some time but the app will hopefully be launched again in June – July 2023.

BGMI Kab Unban Hoga 2023?

BGMI को भारत में प्रतिबंधित कर दिया गया है। अब खेल विकास के दौर में है और भारतीय बाजार के अनुरूप सर्वर में नए बदलाव किए जा रहे हैं।

तो बस इतना करना बाकी है कि खेल के प्ले स्टोर पर वापस आने का इंतजार करें।

हर BGMI प्रशंसक बेसब्री से खेल के फिर से शुरू होने का इंतजार कर रहा है और उम्मीद है कि यह एक महीने के भीतर जारी हो जाएगा।

BGMI has been unbanned in India. Now the game is in development period and new changes are being made to the server to suit the Indian market.

So all that is left to do is wait for the game to comeback to play store.

Every BGMI fan is eagerly waiting for the relaunch of the game and hopefully it will be released within a month.


He is college student. And likes to write about money making apps, fantasy apps and other tech stuff.

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