After adding the feature to mute groups Forever WhatsApp has announced another feature that will allow you to send disappearing messages. In this post, I’ll tell you everything that the messenger app has made public about this new feature.
What is WhatsApp’s Disappearing Messages Funtion?
This function will basically allow the user to send messages that disappear automatically after 7 days. The messages disappear if the person whom you sent the message does not open WhatsApp in 7 days. But it is unclear whether the preview will be available in notification or not.
However, you will be only able to use this function in individual chats. In groups, only the admins will be able to use this feature.
And there won’t be an option to modify the amount of time after which the message disappears.
And when it comes to media/documents, if the person has enabled auto-download then media is saved on the device and hence won’t disappear.
This feature will also not work if the ‘disappearing message’ is forwarded or the chat is backed up.
How to Use WhatsApp Disappearing Message Feature
This is an upcoming feature. So there no clear steps to use the funtion.
I will update this post once the update is rolled-out. To get notified when I add the steps enter your email below.