The 151-day long Bharat Jodo Yatra by the Congress ended in which city? Amazon Quiz Answer

Q1: The 151-day long Bharat Jodo Yatra by the Congress ended in which city?





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Answer – ✅ Srinagar

The 151-day long Bharat Jodo Yatra by the Congress ended in Srinagar.

Amazon Quiz Answers

Q1: The 151-day long Bharat Jodo Yatra by the Congress ended in which city?

Answer 1 (A) – Srinagar

Q2: In 2023, who broke the record for the most Grammy wins of all time, with 32 awards over the years?

Answer 2 (D) – Beyonce

Q3: Being developed in India by ADE, how do we better know the Tactical Airborne Platform for Aerial Surveillance?

Answer 3 (B) – Tapas

Q4: According to Mythology, this bird helped the foundation of which modern metropolis?

Answer 4 (B) – Mexico City

Q5: This bird was prized and revered in which medieval culture?

Answer 5 (C) – Aztec

Himanshu Kumar

He is college student. And likes to write about money making apps, fantasy apps and other tech stuff.

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